Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Inglis to just east of Tallahassee, Florida

Today was a great day for riding. The wind was not blowing and I was feeling motivated. I wanted to make it close to Tallahassee. I feel like I have been in Florida forever.

Mikael David Luman riding a horse. The saddle on that horse is more comfortable than the saddle on my bike.

Florida sunrise

Suwannee River in Florida

A rare Florida hill

The Florida Panhandle. This doesn't even look like Florida any more.

Daily Travel Stats:
Travel Time: 7 Hours 26 Minutes 06 Seconds
Travel Distance: 139.53 Miles
Average Speed: 16.3 mph

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Injury Report...

I don't have anything new to report. It hurts to sit, so I decided to show you some photos of my first major bicycle crash. I had been riding for about a month. Still riding the borrowed bike. It was raining and cold. My hands were numb and I was going down a hill. I hit a bump and lost my grip on my handle bars. I fell so hard I broke my helmet. I was out of it for a few moments. The bike seemed OK so I got back on and rode about 30 miles more. I didn't even know that my elbow was split open until I got to camp and took my jacket and shirt off.
I had a concusion and got my elbow stiched up. I was scared of going down hills for a while after that.

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Thought of the day:

Why do I feel like I am the one that needs to do something? Because I can! I don't think anything happens by chance. I know without a doubt that I experienced the things in my life so that I could make a difference in others. Knowing what I know and experiencing what I experienced I can't just do nothing. I am lucky to even be alive. When you read 800meters you will know why I. Not a moment goes by that I don't think about the adult and children that need my help. They need to hear my story and they need to learn from my past. More importantly we need to develop and teach these skills to our youth so that they will have the tools to make better decisions. I know I can make a difference and I won't stop until I do. I will not quit. Just like the ride.

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A Special Thanks...

Mom and Dad, thank you for all your support and never giving up on me. I know this is something we are supposed to be doing. When you do what you know is true everything works out. I love you both.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Clearwater to Inglis, Florida

Who cares how hot it is when you’re pedaling into a 20 – 25 MPH headwind with 35 MPH guests. I think this was the windiest day so far on the trip. It was like I was peddling up hill all day.

Mikael David Luman. Born June 12, 1974.
Who knew there were bears in Florida?
Cross Florida Barge Canal. Built to connect the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic Ocean
I don't know if I would want to swing into that water!

Daily Travel Stats:
Travel Time: 4 Hours 18 Minutes 51 Seconds
Travel Distance: 70.49 Miles
Average Speed: 16.3 Ave. Speed

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I look forward to hearing from you.

Injury Report...

It hurts to sit but I just keep on pedaling. I am going to try and make the blog more exciting, so here you go.Even though this might embarrass me a bit, I want you to have an idea of what I looked like April 1, 2007. This picture was taken about a month after I started riding. I planned the 12,000 mile bicycle trip last year and I didn’t start riding until March 5, 2007. Before March 5th, I had only been on a bicycle one time in the last 18 years. I was not a cyclist when I started riding, but I had a goal and a dream. I didn’t have my own bicycle yet so I borrowed one from a friend that my dad rode with. When got home after riding 30 minutes I was thinking, “What have I gotten myself into”? Remember this picture was taken after I had already been training for a month.

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Special Thank-You's:

Amanda thank you for your support and letting me follow my dreams. I love and miss you. I am the luckiest man alive. Without your understanding and willingness to let me follow my dream this never would have happened. Mikaila, you’re not old enough to know yet but I am sorry that I have missed out on so much of your life. If I didn’t feel like this was something I had to do, I would be with you.
Pearce, I miss you so much. I am excited to have you moving to Beaverton in Jan. I am excited to be able to spend more time with you. Again I love you all. Can’t wait to see you in Arizona.

Thought of the day:

Why did I write a book? I never planned on writing a book but I wanted to build my foundation A Generation Free. I thought I could use the book as a way to tell my story and use the book sales to help fund A Generation Free. The book doesn’t just tell my story but by telling my story it will give people a better understanding of my life and why I am promoting A Generation Free. 800 meter is an accurate account of my life. There are many things in the book that I didn’t want to put in it but I couldn’t write the book without being 100% honest. I don’t want to give too much of the book away because I want people to read it. I want to apologize to anyone who has ordered a book and hasn’t received it yet. The books are on the way, finally. What a draining process it has been. You won’t be disappointed. The book is great. In the next couple of days I will have some sections of the book on the web site.

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Monday, October 29, 2007

Laurel thru Tampa/St. Petersburg ended in Clearwater, Florida

Today was not as hot as it had been but it was still humid. Windy, Windy, Windy and right in my face.

Sunshine Skyway Bridge 15.1 miles long
Sunshine Skyway Bridge 15.1 miles long
And you thought I was joking when I said it was windy.

Daily Travel Stats:
Travel Time: 3 Hours 26 Minutes 20 Seconds
Travel Distance: 61.59 Miles
Average Speed: 17.9 mph

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Injury Report...

Nothing new to report. Same sore butt.

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Thought of the day:

I didn't ride all day to day. I took a break for a couple hours and worked on the phone with Mara. She is doing a great job helping me get out of my head. I will try to get up to date and stay current with the blog so that you can get a better sense of what is going on day to day. I have some new and exciting additions I am going to be adding to the blog in the next week so stay tuned.

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Special Thank-You's:

Mara and Martin you are the first to get a special thank you. It wasn’t by chance that I ran into when I did. I was at a low point in the trip and I was struggling to go on. Martin your power and presence is something I crave. Mara thank you for your commitment to helping me work from my heart. I will do my best to get the real Mikael out.

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I look forward to hearing from you.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Everglades thru Fort Meyer ended in Laurel, Florida

Yes! Hot and Humid! When I was riding down the east coast of Florida into a head wind I said to myself, I can’t wait to get to the west side so that the wind will be at my back. Didn’t happen! Strong head winds today. At least it helped keep me cool.

Start of the day in the Everglades.

Fort Meyers, Florida

Another painful looking picture, I will try and smile more.

Somewhere on the west coast of Florida.

Daily Travel Stats:
Travel Time: 7 Hours 14 Minutes 38 Seconds
Travel Distance: 124.28 Miles
Average Speed: 17.1 mph

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Injury Report...

You would think after 7500 miles my butt would be used to sitting on a bike. It is not. It hates me.

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Thought of the day:

Why 12,000 miles? Why not 8000 miles or 3000 miles? When I picked the 12,000 miles I hadn’t even ridden a bicycle in years. I wanted to do something that was out of my comfort zone. I wanted people to know that I was serious about making a difference and that they could trust me and that I wouldn’t give up when things got hard. Believe me, things have been hard. This trip has been 100 times harder physically and mentally than I ever imagined. That’s good; it just goes to show that I won’t give up on trying to make a difference. I want to be able to stand in front of a group of high school students and tell them my story. Tell them about how I was a star athlete and had huge dreams. How I was injured and how I gave up on those dreams. I want to be able to tell them how one bad decision leads to another and before you know it your life is out of control. I want to be able to tell them about jail and prison and how alone that feeling can be. Then I want to tell them that I decided I wanted a different life, a better life. I want them to know that I said I was going to do something before I even tried to do it because I knew that if I tried I could. I want to be able to tell them that it didn’t go according to plan. That it was harder than I could have ever imagined. The best part is going to be when I tell them that I rode 12,000 miles and that my life is different now. Some might even listen and decide to make different choices in there lives so they don’t have to go through and miss out on all the thing I had too.

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Saturday, October 27, 2007

West Miami thru the Everglades

It was another hot and humid day with a nice tailwind. It felt good to be back on the bike but that only lasted so long. Today I had a lot on my mind and a lot to think about.

I’ve always wanted to see a Manatee. I haven’t yet but I will keep on looking.
It was good to be back on the bike but it doesn’t look that way. Nice wide shoulder.
Panthers! Did you know there are Panthers in Florida?

Part of the Gulf of Mexico, looking out to the Ten Thousand Islands.

Daily Travel Stats:
Travel Time: 3 Hours 7 Minutes 33 Seconds
Travel Distance: 71.18 Miles
Average Speed: 22.7 mph

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Injury Report...

All it takes is a few hours back on the bike and all the pain comes back. I think it will take a month off of the bike before it feels comfortable again.

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Thought of the day:

What does A Generation Free mean? When I came up with the name A Generation Free I made a list of what free meant to me. I had been addicted to drugs for 10 years but free didn’t just mean free from drugs. It didn’t just mean free from jail and prison. Free is such a powerful word and that is why I chose it. I didn’t just want to be free from drugs but I wanted to be free from all the garbage and baggage that was holding me back. I wanted to be free to be the best Mikael Luman I could be. I have gotten a way from that I little lately and I am trying to get back there. I don’t want to be selfish though. I want everybody to have a chance to be free. That is what A Generation Free is about, giving every child the skills necessary to be free from anger, crime, drugs, guilt, hate, poverty, shame and stress. I want to live in a nation where every child has the skills and the tools to be the best they can be. Through A Generation Free we can build a better nation. A freer nation!

Please if you have any comments or suggestions drop me an e-mail I would love to hear your thoughts.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Miami, Florida

I dropped Kandis off at the airport this morning. It’s back to being just me and my dad. I spent the afternoon with Mara who introduced me to Martin. Again, my dad went for a ride in the Everglades. He hasn’t been able to ride much lately and it has been good for him to have some time to ride.
Another picture of the Everglades.

One of the many birds in the Everglades.

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Injury Report...

I am itching to get back on the bike. I’m starting to miss the pain. Besides it’s easier to ride than to work on yourself.

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Thought of the day:

Mara introduced me to Martin Cohen. Martin had something that I wanted. Martin expressed himself the way that I have always wanted to be able to express myself. These last 3 days in Miami were some of the most productive days of the trip. I have learned a great deal about myself and about whom I want to be. I have started to become complacent with my life and with the way that I want to live it. Today I am going to strive to be the best that I can be. Not just on the bicycle but in every aspect of my life. If and when I do that everything that I am trying to accomplish with the ride and A Generation Free will become clearer. I need to be the person that A Generation Free stands for. I will be that person. This is my passion and I won’t give up on that dream. Thank you Mara and Marvin for helping me find myself and for challenging me to be the best I can be. Keep reading the thoughts and I will continue to show you who I really want to be.

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Miami, Florida

I worked again today with Mara. While we were working my dad took a bike ride in the Everglades.

The Everglades!
Check out the Gator!

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Injury Report...

While my body is starting to feel better my mind is scattered. Riding 12,000 miles is both physical and mental. You can’t be strong in one if you’re not strong in the other.

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Thought of the day:

When I started this journey I planned on this going differently. I thought I would have books to sell in July. I thought I would be able to get donations to cover the costs. I thought I would have had more time to talk with people and share my story. I thought I could change the way we educate our children. I haven’t yet I haven’t even come close. That is my own fault. I started with just an idea. Now I am starting to come up with a plan to do it. Keep checking back for updates.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Miami, Florida

Last night and this morning I met with Mara, the lady I met in Fort Lauderdale. Mara is helping me to become more focused and more powerful with my message and my mission.

Mara Schiff-Holloway and Karin Sanders.

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Injury Report...

My body feels much better when I am not riding.

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Thought of the day:

After spending about 4 hours the last 2 days with Mara talking about my book, my foundation and the 12,000 mile bike ride I realized that I haven’t done a good job explaining what I am trying to accomplish. Nobody really knows what is going on inside my head or the feelings in my heart. Why did I write the book? What is A Generation Free? Why 12,000 miles. Between now and the end of the trip I will make clear my intentions and try my best to let everyone into my heart and my mind. Everything that I am doing now has a purpose. I need to put it all together so that it makes sense.

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Dania Beach to Miami, Florida

Another hot and humid day with a strong head wind. Beautiful scenery though.

Start of the day in Dania, Florida

Miami Beach in the background

Island separating Miami Beach and Miami

Miami, Florida in the background

Daily Travel Stats:
Travel Time: 2 Hours 12 Minutes 11 Seconds
Travel Distance: 31.70 Miles
Average Speed: 14.3 mph

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Injury Report...

I have a feeling that there are things that are going to hurt the rest of the trip.

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Thought of the day:

Today was a good day. I met with someone this morning that is going to help me get more focused on my mission. I am taking a couple days off to work with her. I am confident it will help the outcome of the trip.

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Monday, October 22, 2007

Waveland to Dania Beach, Florida

Today was hot and humid with a strong head wind. I rode most of the day on Hwy. A1A which runs along the Florida coast.
Looks like it might rain!
I was right. Not only did it start to rain. It started to pour. Head for cover!
Hwy A1A which runs between the coast and the intracoastal highway.
Look, a rainbow.

Daily Travel Stats:
Travel Time: 5 hours 56 minutes 04 seconds
Travel Distance: 103.18 miles
Average Speed: 17.3 mph

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Injury Report...

It hurts!

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Thought of the day:

Everything happens for a reason. I was riding upset that I was in pain and that I had taken a couple of days off. Then I run into someone on the road that I never would have met. I don’t believe in coincidences just small miracles.

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Saturday, October 20, 2007

A couple days off in Waveland, FL

House being built on the Atlantic Coast. True beach front property.Another big house in Florida, this one is on the Intracoastal Highway.
Greg Norman’s house on Jupiter Island. Tiger Woods lives down the street.
One of the many yachts in Florida, this was one of the smaller ones.

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Injury Report...

I am taking a couple days off to give my body some time to heal.

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Thought of the day

I am trying to keep positive about not being able to ride. I guess if you have to take some time off Florida is the place to do it. The problem is I can’t think about anything other than riding and A Generation Free.

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Friday, October 19, 2007

Indian River Shores to Waveland, Florida

Mikael is ready to ride out of Indian River Shores
Another "Florida hill."

Daily Travel Stats:
Travel Time: 2 Hours 6 Minutes 38 Seconds
Travel Distance: 35.13 Miles
Average Speed: 16.6 mph

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Injury report...

After riding today, Mikael has realized that he will need to take a couple days and not ride at all. The infection doesn't seem to be getting better. His mind is saying one thing and his body is saying something else.

Thought for the day

I am a little discouraged today. I am now a couple weeks off the schedule and way over budget. I would have thought I would have gotten a lot more coverage by now. I won't give up and I will just keep making forward progress.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Cocoa Beach to Indain River Shores, Florida

Mikael leaving Cocoa Beach - with 97% humidity at the beginning of the day.
This is a Florida hill - which is actually just an overpass.
Plenty of water everywhere - even in the air you breathe!
Bicycle Sport in Vero Beach, Florida. Thank you so much for all your help with the bike - and for supporting a fellow cyclist!

Daily Travel Stats:
Travel Time: 3 Hours 15 Minutes 03 Seconds
Travel Distance: 53.1 Miles
Average Speed: 16.1 mph

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Injury report...

It is a slow healing process and Mikael doesn't want to push it too much.

Thought for the day

Bicycle shops are extremely supportive of our cause. Almost all the shops we visit drop everything to help us and work on our bike. Thank you for helping me fulfill my mission. It means more than you know.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A day to heal...

Mikael took another day off to speed the healing process. During the "down day" he and the crew went to visit Cape Canaveral to watch an Atlas 2 rocket launch, carrying a communications satellite.

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