Sunday, September 2, 2007

A few days in Indianapolis

For a bit of the Labor Day weekend, the 800 Meters crew spent a couple days of in Indianapolis. There were also some changes in the crew. Amanda and baby Mikaila joined the crew and Kandis left for a couple weeks. Trish is back in Oregon now that school has started. David is now the driver and Amanda and Mikaila are the support crew.

The crew also got to spend some time with some new friends! On the third day of the trip, while still in Oregon, David and Trish John and Pam Lustig at a rest area overlook outside of Prairie City. After hearing about the trip and it's purpose, the Lustigs said to contact them when we were in Indianapolis. So, once we pulled into town David called and we instantly had an invitation to dinner. Then David ran into John again at a gas station while he was getting a drink. What are the chances of that?

Oh my! Has Mikaila been hiding in the trailer this whole time!?
When the trip began, Mikaila wasn't walking. Now she's walking all over the place!
John and Pam Lustig are the couple in the middle. Ron and Thea Clarke are the couple on the right. We want the Lustigs especially that the crew had a great time. Thank you so much for the dinner and the great company! It will be nice to visit with the Lustigs again when they come to Portland.
Mikaila and Thea Clarke playing with the flowers in the Lustig's backyard.

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