Sunday, August 26, 2007

Kankakee to Highland Park, Illinois

Today the 800 Meters changed the travel plans a little. They were planning on going to Milwaukee before Chicago but Trish needed to fly back home early to see a specialist for her broken foot before she went back to teaching school for the Fall. So, the route had them go through Chicago first and then on to Milwaukee.

Today they started the day in Kankakee, IL. They rode through the south end of Chicago and then stopped in downtown Chicago for a couple pictures. They ended the day in Highland Park, Illinois, just north of Chicago.
Such a fitting reminder for this trip - being on the path to greatness - each day being filled with hard work.
Mikael on the shore of Lake Michigan
Visiting sports venues always bring inspiration to keep working hard
Mikael takes a moment for a picture with Lake Michigan in the background.
The great folks at Alberto's Rides and Rags in Highland Park, IL helped out with a discount on some of the Hammer Nutrition products
they have been using on the trip. Thank you so much, guys!

Daily Travel Stats:
Travel Time: 6 Hours 14 Minutes 5 Seconds
Travel Distance: 99.66 Miles
Average Speed: 15.9 mph

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