Friday, July 20, 2007

Madras, Oregon to Mt. Vernon, Oregon

The trip continues - and we get to see Trish, one of the 800 Meter mavens, using her people skills! The ride time for Friday was 8 hours, 8 minutes, and 13 seconds - for a total of 136.21 miles covered. And for all those math folks out there - they were averaging 16.4 miles per hour. Impressive any which way you slice it!

Mikael and Dave get ready for day two
Trish knows just how to handle this type of person -
especially now that she's on the road with these boys!
Another summit met - this time it's Keyes Creek
All smiles from Mikael, Trish, Kandis, and Dave in Mitchell, Oregon.
I hope this rocking chair isn't currently on top of the 800 Meters trailer!
All of these summit signs are so exciting! Such a feeling of accomplishment! WAY TO GO!
One of the best sights along the way - a whole city committed to being and staying drug free! Way to go, Dayville, Oregon!!
A place to rest their bodies and souls - it's nice to see the end of the day! You too can stay at Clyde Holliday State Park!

Daily Travel Stats -
Travel Time: 8 hours, 18 minutes, 3 seconds
Travel Distance: 136.21 miles
Average Speed: 16.4 mph

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